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Monday, 10 October 2011

School begins

We seem to keep waking up early, even though we've been in this time zone for a week now and go to bed late enough.  Can you get car lag?  Other campers seem to go to bed so early.  I'm starting to wonder about how sleep deprived I really am...

After waking up, breakfast is always first on the agenda.  At our house it's serve yourself for breakfast, as everyone seems to have different expectations.  Joseph eats cornflakes, I have muesli and chopped apple, Nadine was having weet bix, cornflakes and muesli, but the last few days has been making an omelette. Oskar has never been able to eat cereal - unless it's sugar laden like rice bubbles or nutrition grain, which don't appear very often on our shelves (unless you successfully sneak them into the trolley like Nadine did the other day... ) so he tends to be a bit harder to feed.  This morning when I asked him what he would eat for breakfast,he said he wanted bacon and tomato sauce on bread, and peanut butter on bread. "So cook the bacon now!"  Nothing like having a slave to do your bidding.  Unfortunately for Oskar we'd run out of bread, so it was an apple for breakfast.

School began today.  Everyone beavered away at the work in their boxes and Joseph drew me a lovely still life.  It will take a little bit to iron out the logistics of who is working where, but it was a good start.

I think Cooper is noticing the late nights and early mornings.  After lunch today he went inside the van, climbed into Dom's bed, and went to sleep.

We had another lovely play in the pool this afternoon, and a visit to Cable Beach to watch the sun go down over the ocean. that's not something you can do on the east coast of Australia. It was very beautiful because the sun turns into this glowing red orb and slides down behind the blue sea. We've decided to skip the camel ride along the beach, though. Although it appears to be the thing to do here in Broome, they look a big awkward. They have long lines of camels, all tied together and saddled up with matching saddle cloths, led by one or two people. You can ride them along the beach while the sun sets over the ocean. There were three lines of camels on the beach tonight, all with about 16 camels in them. That's a lot of camels! I haven't seen a camel farm marked on the map, so I wonder where they all sleep!


  1. Sounds really good. You already are doing lots of schooling just by travelling around.

  2. (not mentioning any names) DOM!!!!

  3. Like - where do the pelicans have their nests?
