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Thursday, 3 November 2011

Quiet days

Today Mr and Mrs Chris left on their way home to Perth, and the park is suddenly empty of travellers.  There are still a few permanent people around, but it is very quiet.  We feel like old timers now.  We have a big toilet block to ourselves, and it gets cleaned for me every day!  Plus I have a laundry with four washing machines.

Late this afternoon we headed off to snorkel at the Oyster stacks.  We've been waiting for a time to go when the sun is not too hot, because you can only snorkel here when the tide is high, and all this week high tide had been in the middle of the day.  

The beach at Oyster Stacks is very rocky and it's sharp getting into the water, but the coral was lovely.  There are lots of fish and Dominic and Nadine saw a little fish that looked like floating seaweed.  I saw pretty much what I've seen before, but it's always fun. 

Jo and Grant and Dominic went fishing in the evening.  They went to Trisel beach and didn't catch anything.  There were so many turtles around that they gave it up after a while and watched the turtles digging their nests instead.

It is cooler again tonight and by the time they came home they were all freezing.

I read the novella, The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway to everyone this week. I was amazed at how interested they all were. Only Cooper fell asleep.

It's a very ordinary story, about a man catching a fish, and I can't work out why it is quite so interesting, because the language is certainly not picturesque .  I've read it once before and found it fascinating how such simple words and a basic topic can paint a picture so alive and real you feel that you are watching it happen before you.

It talks about different fish, sharks, currents, and other fishy things, and it was fun because we have seen some of these fish and turtles and tried to fish.  I'm not sure if they would have listened to the story a few months ago.

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